Kia Ora folks, you would have recently noticed a lot more activities on this blog, yes, finally I have got the time and the ideas to move this blog forward.
It was more to do with time then ideas as the idea behind the blog remains the same to talk about technology (Linux, Windows, Android, IoS, Cisco, Juniper etc..).
I am not a person who would take a position in one camp, I love to be part of technology, be it done by the good folks at the Free Software Foundation or the big monopolies.
As long as technology removes barriers to communication, enriches lives and most importantly makes us all better humans I do not mind which camp does it or does it together.
Moving on to the blog, it has now been moved to a proper domain so when you type in that us right here :).
More pages will be added to categorise Linux, AWS and other technologies which gives makes for a better reading which reminds me, I am reading Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Astrophysics for people in a hurry a fascinating book for someone who is curious about space and our existence but does not have the time to read through 1000s of pages. Give it a go and as always stay sharp, stay ahead, do not drink and drive.
P.S. Proud to have become a member of the Free Software Foundation.
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