Saturday, August 25, 2018

#PowerShell HELP

PowerShell has one of the best help database built in to it, well it still has a long way to go to catch up with the Linux Man pages but you get the point. This database so to speak needs to be updated (no surprises there).

The command to update is simple, launch PowerShell in Administrator mode and run Update-Help and let PowerShell do it's magic, of course you need to ensure that you have a connection to the World Wide Web.

This update can sometimes fail and can throw up errors such as the one below:

In my quest to resolve this I came across solution from the social forums on the Microsoft Technet site. A great source of knowledge with some of the best techs in the industry helping each other out.
PowerShell Update.

The command suggested in the forum is Update-Help -force -Ea 0 -Ev what $what.exception.

This threw up errors for me:

So I ran it without the exception bit and the update went smoothly, the command I ran was Update-help -force -Ea 0

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Error Code 38

Have you ever come across a quirky error code from Windows (Device Manager) and did not know what to do?

Well have a look at this website and resolve your issues.

Error Code KB

I was stuck on Error 38 and before I restarted the device, I ensured that I removed the offending USB storage device from the Device Manager and then restarted the PC. Worked like a charm.

The USB device which was connected to a Dell Tablet got recognised on the restart, why does it happen? I believe it could be down to the way the device (USB) was disconnected without stopping it first.

Unfortunately cannot share any screenshots as of now, but do give that site a look.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Back! After a long break!

Good morning, it is a windy and a wet morning, but that should not stop us from proceeding ahead with me learning some PowerShell and sharing it with all of you.

So I am running a Windows 2012 R2 with Active Directory installed and I realised I have never updated the server with the latest version of PowerShell. So how do we go about doing this?

1. Start by downloading the latest Windows Management Framework (currently at 5.1) here WMF5.1.

2. Copy it on to your virtual machine or wherever you want to install this

3. This version is also called as KB3191564.

4. Once the installation is complete, you are done, please note the installation does require a restart of the machines.

#PowerShell HELP

PowerShell has one of the best help database built in to it, well it still has a long way to go to catch up with the Linux Man pages but yo...