Sunday, November 30, 2014

Get Certified, with 15% off from Microsoft

Reams and reams of web pages have been spent on the value of an IT Certification, so I am not going to talk or debate the value of a certification, but just in case, you are wondering how I can save some bucks while getting certified, well fear not, Microsoft to the rescue!!!

Just make use of their promotional voucher for their exams valid until the 31st of December 2014.

Here is the link,

and GOOD LUCK :-)

Happy Monday everyone.

Friday, November 28, 2014

GUI for CISCO devices

Configuring CISCO devices using the CLI is both fun and sometimes a daunting task, but CISCO does make it a bit easier if not supremely easy for us to configure their devices, but, you still need to know your WANs from your LANS.

I am just including a brief text of enabling the GUI based interface of a Cisco router, it is in no ways a comprehensive post, also may vary from model to model.

First we need to enable the HTTP server on the router to enable us to use the web browser or the GUI mode.

We can use local or AAA authentication, the choice is left to the individual.

For local validation and authentication make a client with level 15 privilege.

Step 1. Enable HTTP Server on the router

ip http server

2. Enable HTTP Authentication

ip http authentication local

3. Create a Local user

Username username Privilege 15 Password password

4. Open your browser and go to the ip location of switch's joined interface. It will reveal to you Web GUI of CISCO router.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Weekend refurbishment

Going to refurbish this old but sturdy fella, Toshiba laptops are the best and my personal favorite.
The work involved is cleaning the laptop, adding new Ram, adding a hard disk and installing new operating system.

Windows 10 last build

The word is out, #windows10 last build of the year, exciting times ahead.

Check out @pcworld's Tweet:

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Microsoft Platform: As of 11/12/2014 ‘Active Directory group’ support ...

The Microsoft Platform: As of 11/12/2014 ‘Active Directory group’ support ...: Microsoft has announced that as of 11/12/2014 ‘Active Directory group’ support for Azure RemoteApp will be depricated to align with the new ...

#PowerShell HELP

PowerShell has one of the best help database built in to it, well it still has a long way to go to catch up with the Linux Man pages but yo...