Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Simplify or mystify? MPSA the new kid on the block.

Only time will tell, if the Licensing structure put forward by Microsoft will be simple enough or even complicated than before.

At least it looks like a step in the right direction, let us see if it actually is a boon or bane.

If you need more information about the Licensing structure, overview etc, follow the trail here, MPSA. Ohh and it is called MPSA or Microsoft Products and Services Agreement, more acronyms more exams for you to look forward to I guess. You can also find a little bit more information about this at the following blog, 
Only some products have been updated with the new structure, the rest will be available later in the year, although the major roll out will be late 2014.
No official word yet on the price but the FAQs at the site state as being based on "three product pools: Applications, Systems and Servers." Four price levels (A through D) are associated with each product pool based on "product points." To get certain pricing under MPSA, an organization has to maintain a certain level of pricing points for one year. For instance, A-level pricing requires maintaining 500 price points over the year.
"No entry minimum is required to begin purchasing through the MPSA," Microsoft's FAQ states. "However, to maintain purchasing eligibility at Level A you must purchase a minimum of 500-points within each active product pool by the compliance anniversary date. The compliance anniversary date is established as the one year anniversary of the month you first sign your MPSA."

So get your accountants ready and up to speed with the new licensing, hopefully will save money in the long run.

On a another note, Happy New Year Everyone Welcome to 2014.

#PowerShell HELP

PowerShell has one of the best help database built in to it, well it still has a long way to go to catch up with the Linux Man pages but yo...